Diploma In
JPT/BPP(K) (PA 1571) 01/18
Duration : 2 & half years
Academic English
Understanding the textual organization if linear and non-linear texts, skimming texts for main ideas, scanning non-linear texts fro information, vocabulary and development of study skills, dictionary use, listening to subject-related spoken english and note taking, discussion of reading texts and writing simple accounts related to reading materials, summary writing and presentation.
ENL 1113
Bahasa Kebangsaan A/B
Mata pelajaran Bahasa Kebangsaan (A) ini disediakan untuk mempertingkat kecekapan berbahasa, sesuai dengan intelek pelajar untuk berkomunikasi dengan berkesan secare lisan dan tulisan dalam konteks rasmi, kreatif dan bukan kreatif.
MPW 1113
Business Organisation
Students will learn the business organization structure, culture and the environment
Students would also be exposed to the various fundamentals of leadership, motivation of its employees in the organization
Students would also be exposed to other sector of division that is available in an organisation
DIT 1253
Computer Application
This subject aims to educate students in three main areas; word processing, calculation, gra phs and presentation using the MS Office packaging software
DIT 1123
Computer Organization and Architecture
Demostrate proper understanding of computer system componentsand understand how these compenents interoperate
Demostrate proper understanding computer performance and cost factors
Demostrate the ability to work with difference numbering systems, data representations, and arithmetic and logical operations
Demostrate the abilty to work with difference computer instruction sets, and easily learn new ones as need arises
DIT 2233
Computerized Accounting
To introduce the students, the purpose to automating accounting processes using a softaware
DIT 2143
Data Communications and Networking
To introduce the students the concept of data communications and networkong of computers
DIT 2313
Database Management System
To introduce the concept of electronic filing and database concepts
To emphasize the advantage of Database Management System
DIT 1223
Database Programming
To provide the knowledge and skills required to develop PL/SQL program
DIT 2213
To introduce the basic knowledge of E-Commerce and it's technology
DIT 2323
Human Computer Interaction
To introduce the concept of human - computer - interaction
To create awareness on interface design
DIT 1313
Information System
This course aims to introduce students with a technology and system to manage the information of organization and business, by taking into account the management perspective and on the aspects of e-business implementation
DIT 2223
Internet Programming
To introduce the student to HTML
To emphasize to students the advantages of HTML
DIT 1323
Introduce to Information Technology
This course provides a basic understanding of the computer system organization including hardware and software
It provides knowledge on software package and its application in problem solving
It also exposes the student to basic computerand the usage oe relevant packages
DIT 1113
Introduction of Multimedia
The subject targets to expose students to multimedia concept
DIT 1233
Islamic Studies
Kursus Pengajian Islam disediakan untuk melahirkan warganegara, khususnya pelajar Islam, yang faham tasawwur Islam sebagai satu care hidup yang bersepadu dan seimbang, serta berupaya menghadapi pelbagai masalah dan cabaran
MPW 1143
IT Project
Enable the student to prepare written reports
Enable the student to present the outcome and demo the information system created
DIT 3324
Malaysian Studies
Mata Pelajaran ini bertujuan melahirkan pelajar yang memahami peranannya dalam proses pembinaan negara bangsa dan bersemangat patriotik dalam menghadapi cabaran pengbangunan
MPW 1133
Student should be able to solve mathematical problem by provided topics. Student also can learn higher level of mathematics such as calculus
DIT 1243
Mathematics for Computing
The subject targets to expose students to mathematical concepts
DIT 2163
Moral Studies
Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Moral bertujuan untuk membentuk individu menyeluruh dan seimbang, matang dan bemaklumat, yang berupaya menaakul, berperasaan dan bertingkahlaku moral ke arah penbangunan masyarakat beretika yang adil dan berkepedulian
MPW 1153
Object Oriented Programming with C++
The purpose of this moduleis to give student extensive coverage of object oriented programming concepts
DIT 1213
Operating System
To introduce the concept and reason behind operating systems.
To examine different types of operating system in the market
DIT 2133
Programming Concepts using C++
Write programs using object and classes
Develop programs create and destory the objects
Use existing operators for different meanings
Using reusability concept
Implement pointers arrays, strings and object
Describe polymorphism, concept, it's types, virtual functionand write program for same
Apply formatted and unformatted console I/O operation and perform file related activities using C++ streams
DIT 1133
Programming with JAVA
To introduce the student JAVA programming
To emphasize to students the advantage of JAVA over 3rd Generation Languages
DIT 2153
Programming with Visual Basic
To teach students Visual Programming using the software Visual Basic
To introduce Visual Programming as a front-end application
DIT 2123
Public Speaking
By the end of the course, students should be able to successfully apply the strategies in public speaking and demostrate effective presentation skills when organizing, planning and delivering presentations in various situations
ENL 1153
System Analysis and Design
To enable students to explore analytical thinking and design methods in developing a system
DIT 2243
Web Application
To teach students how to design multimedia and web based applcations